Ausgewählte Publikationen
Peer-reviewed paper
- M. Ahmed, T. Dankwort, S. Grünzig, V. Lange, B. Gojdka
Broadband Zero-Power Wakeup MEMS Device for Energy-Efficient Sensor Nodes.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- O. Behrmann, T. Lisec, B. Gojdka
Towards Robust Thermal MEMS: Demonstration of a Novel Approach for Solid Thermal Isolation by Substrate-Level Integrated Porous Microstructures.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- M. Bodduluri, T. Dankwort, T. Lisec, S. Grünzig, A. Khare, M. Ahmed, B. Gojdka
Fully Integrated High-Performance MEMS Energy Harvester for Mechanical and Contactless Magnetic Excitation in Resonance and at Low Frequencies.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- M. Bodduluri, B. Gojdka, N. Wolff, L. Kienle, T. Lisec, F. Lofink
Investigation of Wafer-Level Fabricated Permanent Micromagnets for MEMS.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- M. Frankenberger, J. Ophey, et al.
Improving Wetting Behavior and C‐Rate Capability of Lithium‐Ion Batteries by Plasma Activation.
Energy Technol., 2022.
- B. Gojdka, D. Chichon, Y. Lembrecht, M. Bodduluri, T. Lisec, M. Stahl-Offergeld, H. Hohe, F. Niekiel
Demonstration of Fully Integrable Long-Range Microposition Detection with Wafer-Level Embedded Micromagnets.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- H. Groß, Y. Ekici, M. Poschemann, D. Groeneveld, T. Dankwort, J. Koenig, W. Bensch, L. Kienle
Does a Low Amount of Substituents Improve the Thermoelectric Properties of Cr2−xMxS3 (M = Ti, V, Sn)?
Journal of Electronics Materials, 2022.
- T. Lisec, O. Behrmann, B. Gojdka
PowderMEMS—A Generic Microfabrication Technology for Integrated Three-Dimensional Functional Microstructures.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- O. Lupan, D. Santos-Carballal, N. Magariu, A. Mishara, N. Ababii, H. Krüger, N. Wolff, A. Vahl, M. Bodduluri, N. Kohlmann, L. Kienle, R. Adleung, N. de Leeuw, S. Hansen
Al2O3/ZnO Heterostructure-Based Sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds in Safety Applications.
ACS Applied Materials Interface, 2022.
- M. Meyns, F. Dietz, C.-S. Weinhold, H. Züge, S. Finckh, G. Gerdts
Multi-Feature Round Silicon Membrane Filters Enable Fractionation and Analysis of Small Microand Nanoplastics with Raman Spectroscopy and Nano-FTIR.
Analytical Methods, 2022.
- S. Moench, J. Meyer, A. Zukauskaite, V. Lebedev, S. Fichtner, J. Su, F. Niekiel, T. Giese, Lars Thormählen, E. Quandt, F. Lofink
AlScN-Based SAW Magnetic Field Sensor for Isolated Closed-Loop Hysteretic Current Control of Switched-Mode Power Converters.
IEEE Sensors Letters 6, 2022.
- Y. Pascal, F. Daschner, M. Liserre, M. Höft
C.ondition Monitoring of Power Module Using S-Parameters, TDR, and TDT.
Microelectronics Reliability, 2022.
- M. Päsler, T. Lisec, H. Kapels
High Temperature Magnetic Cores Based on PowderMEMS Technique for Integrated Inductors with Active Cooling.
MDPI Micromachines, 2022.
- T. Pereira, Y. Wei, Y. Pascal, H. A. Mantooth, M. Liserre
Self-Tuning Multiport Resonant DC/DC Converter Based on Actively-Controlled Inductors for Hybrid Storage System Integration.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022.
- K. Reiter, S. Wiljes, F. Engel, L. Ebinal
Lumen & Colours : Eine Reise ins Innere der Wissenschaft.
Praktische Metallographie,Pract. Metallogr. 59 (2022) 11,Seite 684-696, 2022.
- H. Schimanski, T. Fladung
Untersuchung der Auswirkung ionischer Verunreinigungen in dünnen Spalten an realitätsnahen Aufbauten mit neuen miniaturisierten Bauelementen.
SCHWEISSEN und SCHNEIDEN Heft 7-8 2022, Seiten 479-484, 2022.
- I.Titov, N. Rutschke, F. A. Kraft, M. Köpke, E. Nebling, M. Gerken
Detection of Fluorescence-Labeled DNA with In-Plane Organic Optoelectronic Devices.
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 12, 2022.
- N Wolff, Md R. Islam, L. Kirste, S. Fichtner, F. Lofink, A. Žukauskaite, L. Kienle
1,Al1−xScxN Thin Films at High Temperatures: Sc-Dependent Instability and Anomalous Thermal Expansion
Micromachines, 2022.
- T. Dankwort, S. Grünzig, M. Ahmed, A. Khare, F. Lofink, B. Gojdka
Broadband MEMS Energy Harvester with Monolithically Integrated NdFeB Magnets.
EASS 2022; 11th GMM-Symposium, 1-3, 2022.
- K. Debbadi, Y. Pascal, M. Liserre
Dv/Dt Filter Design Incorporating Machine Impedance and Voltage Slew Rate for WBG-Based Electric Drives.
IECON 2022
- J. Farias, L. Camurca, M. Langwasser, M. Liserre
An Analysis of Combining Dc Circuit Breaker and Hybrid MMC with Reduced Number of FBSM for HVdc System Protection.
PEDG 2022.
- J. Kuprat, Y. Pascal, M. Liserre
Real-Time Thermal Characterization of Power Semiconductors Using a PSO-Based Digital Twin Approach.
EPE ECCE, 2022.
- M. Meyns, F. Diets, C.-S. Weinhold, H. Züge, S. Finkh, G. Gerdts
Multi-Feature Round Silicon Membrane Filters Enable Fractionation and Spectroscopic Analysis of Small Micro- and Nanoplastics with Raman Spectroscopy and Nano-FTIR.
MICRO, 2022.
- Y. Pascal, F. Daschner, M. Liserre, M. Höft
Condition Monitoring of Power Module Using S-Parameters, TDR, and TDT.
ESREF 2022.
- T. Pereira, Y. Pascal, M. Liserre, Y. Wie, H. A. Mantooth
Multiport Resonant DC-DC Converter using Actively-Controlled Inductors for Hybrid Energy Storage System Integration.
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2022.
- F. Santos-Arana, Y. Pascal, J. Kuprat, M. Langwasser, K. Debbadi, M. Liserre
Optical Sensing Applied to Thermal Observers for Enhanced Reliability of Power Modules.
PEDG 2022.
- H. Shimanski
LTS - Low Temperature Soldering.
30. FED Konferenz, 2022.
- H. Schimanski, T. Fladung
Untersuchung der Auswirkung ionischer Verunreinigungen in dünnen Spalten an realitätsnahen Aufbauten mit neuen miniaturisierten Bauelementen.
11. GMM/DVS-Fachtagung | EBL 2022.
- H. Schimanski, T. Fladung
Investigation of the Effect of Ionic Contamination in Thin Gaps on Assemblies Close to Reality with New Miniaturized Devices.
- H. Schimanski, T. Fladung
Untersuchung der Auswirkung ionischer Verunreinigungen in dünnen Spalten an realitätsnahen Aufbauten mit neuen miniaturisierten Bauelementen.
DVS Congress, 2022.