Battery Systems for Special Applications



Storage for electrical energy is one of the most important components in the transformation of the global energy industry and also plays a central role in many other fields of application such as electromobility, due to its universal applicability.
Current state of the art is the lithium-ion battery. It is available in very different shapes and sizes. However, currently available electrochemical storage devices are perceived as unsatisfactory for many applications in terms of important requirements (energy content, low temperature performance, economy, etc.).

Work is underway worldwide to reduce or even overcome these deficiencies through ongoing optimization of existing systems or through the development of new material combination electrochemical storage devices such as Li / S. The transfer of the new storage concepts thus obtained into industrial production entails great technical and economic challenges.
The group "Battery Systems for Special Applications" of the Fraunhofer ISIT has been active since 1999 in the field of electrochemical energy storage. The manufacturing technology developed at ISIT is characterized by a very high degree of flexibility and is thus an ideal technological platform for the production of prototypes and small series for a wide variety of applications, such as traction and stationary energy storage. Furthermore, there is extensive experience in the up scaling of manufacturing processes and the characterization of cells of different chemistry and design. These competences enable the development of "tailor-made" storage solutions as well as complete systems with the required hardware and software.

ISIT participates in the Fraunhofer research production battery cell, a large project funded by the BMBF with the aim of supporting industrial partners and customers in the implementation of new battery cell concepts and the development of associated manufacturing processes.

Link to Fraunhofer research production battery cell.


In detail, the competences include:

  • Cell conception and design (electrochemistry and interpretation),
  • Cell assembly and cell characterization,
  • Electronic cell integration into suitable modules,
  • Connection to the system environment.


Our portfolio


Our offer

  • Development of customized lithium accumulators
  • Process development with scaling up to industrial series production
  • Sample construction & production of small series
  • Extensive cell characterization
  • Optimization or development of test methods
  • Consulting services and studies
  • Training courses

Our equipment

  • Paste preparation
  • Coating technology
  • Cell and battery production
  • Cell testing
  • Analytics