
Smaller, faster and more sustainable for the world of tomorrow: #MEMSification

© Fraunhofer ISIT

What actually is "MEMSification"?

From big to small and from small to new!

To answer this question, let's first of all go into "MEMS".  MEMS stands for microelectromechanical systems: In these systems, semiconductor technology is combined with miniature mechanics where classical precision engineering/mechanics could not go any further in the past: in the micrometer, i.e. millionths of a meter range, with processes from semiconductor technology. The development of these systems is part of Fraunhofer ISIT's competence and expertise: design, development and manufacturing of MEMS components and systems.  

We are working on MEMSification: the recognition and realization of technically smaller, intelligent solutions for the future, with which completely new applications are and would be possible.  

And what do you understand by MEMSification?! Let's give the word a meaning together.  

In this campaign, we want to introduce you to selected MEMSified applications, including, for example, miniaturized loudspeakers, camera lenses and other state-of-the-art sensor systems. 

Be excited and visit us on Instagram and LinkedIn to make sure you don't miss anything!

MEMSified devices



The Powder MEMS technology developed at Fraunhofer ISIT offers a wide range of possibilities in the fabrication of inductors and transformers with magnetic core on a substrate (e.g. silicon, FR4) for high frequency applications.


TROM-2 Chip

The IMS-designed CMOS chip pushes the limits of what is technologically possible and is a crucial key component for further miniaturization in semiconductor micro- and nanoelectronics.



Compared to conventional loudspeakers, MEMS loudspeakers are characterized by a smaller size, lower manufacturing costs and lower energy consumption, which is particularly advantageous for mobile applications.



Ultrasonic sensors

Micromechanical ultrasonic transducers (MUT) represent an innovative and effective further development that opens up new areas of application thanks to their compact design and power efficiency.


Miniaturized ozone generator

Fraunhofer ISIT scientists contributed a sensor chip and the electrode substrates of the electrolytic cell to the MIKROOZON project, which purifies water in household appliances.


Infrared sensors

Measuring temperatures without contact: Infrared heat sensors make this possible by converting the thermal radiation of an object into an electrical voltage.



MEMS inertial sensors are used for active and passive safety systems such as vehicle dynamics control but also navigation systems, which can also be found in low-cost automotive series.



The NeurOSmart project aims to set a new standard for intelligent hybrid computing architectures in autonomous machines and transportation systems.


LIDAR systems

LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an indispensable key technology in the development of autonomous driving cars. LIDAR systems use emitted laser beams to very accurately detect their surroundings and generate a precise image.


Energy Harvester

Energy harvesting is the harnessing of energy that is available in the environment in which a component is used. ISIT's energy harvester uses integrated micromagnets to mechanically excite a piezoelectric element. This provides an electrical voltage.


RGB Laser Light Source

Based on our MEMS processes, we developed an optical bench silicon chip where all laser components and the diode laser chips are assembled.

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