The conference around the topics printed circuit board and assembly on 23-24.05.2022 in Würzburg
IoT, Industry 4.0, IT security, 5G, Big Data, autonomous systems, cloud computing, USB3.2, smart home, heterogeneous networks and collaborating robots: The success of the required strategies and tasks are only possible on the basis of perfectly functioning electronic assemblies. This requires forward-looking knowledge. The topics of the PCB & Assembly Technology Days provide you with the technical competence to effectively solve current and future tasks!
Fraunhofer ISIT at the Technology Days Printed Circuit Board & Assembly
In the context of the Technology Days PCB and Assembly, Fraunhofer ISIT would like to give you an insight into our latest innovative topics in electronics manufacturing.
In particular, the group leader of Module Services Helge Schimanski will give a presentation on the topic of LTS - Low temperature soldering, highlighting the background and motivations for the introduction of low melting solder alloys.
Using a wide variety of electronic components as examples, the manufacturing process with SnBiX solders will be carried out in direct comparison with established SAC solders, evaluated and the manufacturing quality analyzed.
Results from reliability tests such as T-shock, drop test and shear test with in-situ monitoring are presented and process recommendations for sustainable, reliable and future-oriented electronics manufacturing are developed.