Come and visit our experts at the biggest PCIM Europe ever - and don't miss the opportunity to visit SMTConnect at the same time.
Come and visit our experts at the biggest PCIM Europe ever - and don't miss the opportunity to visit SMTConnect at the same time.
For high efficiency & high density power conversion
For multi-source integration and high availability power delivery
For condition monitoring of power modules; fault-tolerance
Current and future projects - be part of our journey!
GaN-on-Si in a 1000 m² MEMS fab
(0.35/0.8 μm), TCAD-aided prototyping
GaN-on-QST, metal-free ohmic contacts, integration of ferroelectrics, vertical GaN
MEMS energy harvesting and zero power wake up technology platform
Miniaturized biased magnetic field sensors
Integrated porous, soft magnetic cores with active cooling